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PhD Program Biomedicine

Travel Grant


The BioMed Travel Grant supports PhD students to participate in a conference, symposia or summer school in their field.

Deadlines for applications: 1st of March and 1st of September


Eligibility and criteria for applicants:

  • Eligible are all PhD students within the BioMed/MTB/imMed PhD Program with an accepted research proposal and a successfully completed 1st committee meeting at the time of application.
  • The applicant must participate actively in the event: e.g. by a poster or oral presentation.
  • Maximum of one successful application per PhD student per lifetime.
  • Maximum funding of 500 CHF per application for Europe.
  • Maximum funding of 1000 CHF per application for outside of Europe.
  • Max. 5 travel grants per submission deadline will be awarded.
  • Travel grants can be used to cover travel costs, registration fees and/or accommodation expenses.
  • In case of a successful application, the applicant agrees to write a report (max. 1 A4 page, optional but highly recommended to include a picture) sharing the conference experience. The report will be published on the BioMed Program website.
  • By applying the applicant agrees to acknowledge the support by a BioMed Travel Grant with explicit naming of the funding origin on the poster or during the oral presentation.

Deadline March 1st: for events between 1st of April and end of September. The winners will be informed until end of March. If you miss the deadline for a valid (decided by the coordinator) reason, your application may be considered during the next round of submission. If you win an award, it will be paid to you retrospectively.

Deadline September 1st: for events between 1st of October and end of March. The winners will be informed until end of September. If you miss the deadline for a valid (decided by the coordinator) reason, your application may be considered during the next round of submission. If you win an award, it will be paid to you retrospectively.


Application Travel Grant

Travel Grant reports

